California at it's best, private land with million dollar views! Endless possibilities await with 116 acres for your private estate, ranch, barn, corrals, vineyard, guest house, swimming pool, tennis courts, the possibilities are unlimited! Great privacy just minutes from downtown San Jose. Oak studded hills, wildlife, sunsets views and city light skylines not to be missed in the gorgeous wide open location. Take this rare opportunity to purchase private land with million dollar views. Design & build your own custom compound that can include a 6 car + garage, a workshop, guest home, sky's the limit on what you can do. Private driveway gives you your own access. Million Dollar Estate properties surround you. Enjoy the best views this side of the valley has to offer, with Silicon Valley in your sites. Access to all major freeways 101/280/680, Major shopping centers, Malls and Lake Cunningham are minutes away.